Monday, July 28, 2008

imersion assembly

Today is the first day of term2 we are the champions it has been chossen about beizing olympics comeing up in 3 weeks time we had assembly we had teachers coming on the stage to show us about champions mr jacobsen came in the door with a bike it was flash bike mr burt came in like a horse rider then he called teams to come up he first called team 1 mrs goarge had a cup in hand it looked real mrs katu was dreesed up as a basket ball player mrs lal was dreesed up as a fire fighter she asked questions mrs she was dreesed up a tennis player then it was team 2 they acted on the stage it was a olympics movie mrs apted was pertending to eat something then mrs glaze came in with the rubbish bin to but there food in then they had to do push ups then after they got of the stage it was team 3s turn

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